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Adding follower dialogue to 3rd, 4th, 5th followers


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I have 5 female followers at the moment, but I can only access the original follower and "animal" follow with the follower dialogue..."I need to trade some things with you". The other 3 I have to use the console command...open actor container. It gets annoying since I like using the Xbox 360 controller. Does anyone know how to give the extra followers the same dialogue menu, or access their inventory with a "shortcut" key?
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Doing so is rather easy but it won't work the way you expect, the problem is that even if you bypass the dialogue the follower system only uses ONE alias reference so once you acquire a follower, then acquire another it will overwrite the previous, the alias reference holds things such as the follower package (What makes the follower a follower) and that nasty bow. When an alias is filled it can gain things like scripts, packages, inventory, factions etc, except the problem with using an alias for this type of system is you cannot dynamically create more of them, you can only dynamically "set" them. So to have more followers legit you need to change the system so it doesn't use alias references, making a workaround isn't all that difficult, you just need to understand scripting and packages.


A better system would be done using a FormList that is dynamically altered to update the Forms of all the followers you have acquired, and use that to determine whether they are a follower or not as a condition using "IsInList" and instead of filling that alias, you would have the follower package already attached but triggered based on that condition and using the script function EvaluatePackage to update their package stack when that condition changes.


I may just end up doing this myself, I've taken a look at other mods who made an attempt at achieving this goal but didn't do it the way I just suggested, they did it a rather sloppy way so if you want something done right you do it yourself.

Edited by expired6978
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