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Weapon racks discharge enchanted weapons.


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Hi all

My problem today is that everytime i want to place a Enchanted weapon on a weapon plate or weapon rack, it gets discharged even if its at full charge.

This sucks because i want to display differently enchanted weapons.

Just for info i am using "See Enchantments" mod.

I tried removing it, then cleaned the save with a save cleaner, but still no luck.

I had this problem in past playtroughs as well.

I dont remember if there was a mod that fixed this, so if you know one, or have some tips , pleaase share.


Thanks ^-^

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Heart. I've had this problem too and I was unable to find a solution online. Last night I found your (unanswered) post during my search for a solution, and then earlier today I think I figured out a work-around. So far, it's worked every time - so I figured I'd share it with you here (I hope it's not too late - I see you made your post a few months back.)


1) Approach the weapon rack (or plaque) with NO weapon equipped and attempt to activate it.


2) Look for the message telling you that you must have a weapon equipped.


3) THEN equip the weapon and try it again.


I had the problem in Severin Manor on Raven Rock (I'm playing Skyrim SE) and it just started happening out of nowhere. Nothing I tried before this helped. I hope it works for you.






Edited by MikeBob2014
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