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Anthony Lings Coiffure


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So i've run into a lot of mods recently that require anthony lings coiffure. Unfortunately all the links point back to the file being under moderation either due to stolen content or some other issue. For some of the mods that get a bit more attention from their authors this isn't too much of a problem as they've given an alternative source. But this isn't true of all mods and it's certainly not true of the ones I wish to use the most.


Now i've noticed that the fallout 3 nexus still has a working copy of anthony lings coiffure. So does anybody know if I can just install that mod using the nexus mod manager for the resources I need to run the other mod I have in mind?


http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=42499 this is the mod i'm interested in using for new vegas. And there is a basic version that I plan on trying to install. Though in all likelyhood this is going to cause the game to crash the moment I try to load it up. So any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated and likely stop this issue from being brought up again with other modders. thanks in advance

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Unfortunately the modder isnt on the nexus anymore but you can find his mod here http://www.moddb.com/mods/lings-coiffure-nv


Many thanks friend. Got everything sorted out now.


Actually. feel I should clarify before moderators see this and the ban hammer drops.


http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=35447 decided to use this for my female character instead.

Edited by formalrevya
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