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main site user pics vs. forums avatars

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(I posted this in the wrong place at first, so I guess this is also here to let a mod know about the other thread to lock/delete it if needed. Sorry.)


Unfortunately for me, it seems i cannot brain today, i have the dumb.

I'm trying to change my user picture on my profile on the main nexusmods part of the site so it matches the new one I just switched to here on the forums. I click on the User Area >Change Photo thing, and it takes me to the photo editor to change it on the forums. I did that, and the pic I have here now is the right one. The one back on Nexusmods didn't update. I logged out and back in, and it's still the old one.

Is there a different part of the site I have to go to make the nexusmods pic match my forums pic, or does it just take a reeeaally long time to update the main site pic (just checked again while reposting this, still the same)? I was looking for a way to change it for almost an hour, so clearly I've caught the idiot ball on this one.

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Yes, there's only 1 place to change your avatar, and the avatar you use on the forums is the same you'll be using everywhere else.


But, sometimes it takes time for an avatar change to propagate from the forums to the file sites,

sometimes it's simply a local browser caching issue,

and some rather rare times it's even the propagation hanging for a while or until you try again.


For what it's worth, it's the same avatar on the file sites to me now as you're having here on the forums.

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