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HELP with third person mod


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I'll start off by saying that I am a very simple modder. I usually just edit other people's files FOR MYSELF only and not for redistribution. I am currently having an issue though with the centered third person mod and third person in general.


THE PROBLEM: I've noticed that when you're in third person, the player model loves to cover up the crosshair if anything is relatively close to his/her back. The player model also doesn't disappear fast enough and sometimes DOESN'T AT ALL when your back is against the wall. The player model is also covered up when moving while jumping.


WHAT I WANT: Is it possible to edit the player model / crosshair so that when moving and jumping your player model never covers up the crosshair. And also is it possible to make the player model not cover up the crosshair or disappear WAY ahead of time when back up against a wall.



CONCLUSION: I'm pretty much looking for a third person crosshair that acts exactly / similar to the SOCOM series and in modern times Player Unknown's Battlegrounds. Please let me know if you can do this or think it is even possible.



I forgot to mention that this is the centered third person mod I've been using. If it's possible just to edit this for myself, let me know.



Edited by master1g
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