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Freeing Benny w/o pissing off Caesar


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Can some1 make or teach me how to edit the script that allows freeing Benny without ruining the questline of Legion


I haven't tested this, but this should work:


1. What you're looking for is the dialogue for NPC "VFortBenny". It's a different NPC from the everyday Benny we all know and love, and seems to be specific to prisoner Benny.


2. Look up topic "VDialogueBennyVFortBennyTopic050". The topic text is "Here, I'll set you free". Look at the result script code.


3. Comment out or delete the last two lines:


SetEnemy VCaesarsLegionTheFortFaction PlayerFaction

SetEnemy VCaesarsLegionTheFortFaction TheFortBennyFaction


The rest of that code block sets all the quest triggers and such. Those two lines seem to trigger red alert at Caesar's camp when you free Benny. Remove just those two lines and save, and they should all look the other way.

Edited by Greslin
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