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Bug in whiterun!


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This bug is the worst one ive come across in skyrim when i started playing it. When i enter Whiterun its like a big water room in the middle where u can swim and u can probably drown there aswell :P well the bug never disappear can it be because of the mods i got installed?. Edited by Killaaz
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This bug is the worst one ive come across in skyrim when i started playing it. When i enter Whiterun its like a big water room in the middle where u can swim and u can probably drown there aswell :P well the bug never disappear can it be because of the mods i got installed?.


I never heard such an error , is certainly a conflict with some mod.

When installing mods has to be careful, and installing only one at a time, see the compatibility with others and test in game for awhile to see if is something strange like CTD or texture problems, if and only if is everything OK than install other mod.

Do not fall into the mistake of installing multiple mods at once, and advance in the game, because if you find a bug you don't know what is the mod that causes conflict, and you need to uninstall every one and reload a previous save.

P.S. and try to install all the mod by some mod installer like NMM. because if there is some bug its more easy ti uninstall, without losing files.

Edited by sergiobor
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  • 6 months later...

This bug is the worst one ive come across in skyrim when i started playing it. When i enter Whiterun its like a big water room in the middle where u can swim and u can probably drown there aswell :P well the bug never disappear can it be because of the mods i got installed?.


I never heard such an error , is certainly a conflict with some mod.

When installing mods has to be careful, and installing only one at a time, see the compatibility with others and test in game for awhile to see if is something strange like CTD or texture problems, if and only if is everything OK than install other mod.

Do not fall into the mistake of installing multiple mods at once, and advance in the game, because if you find a bug you don't know what is the mod that causes conflict, and you need to uninstall every one and reload a previous save.

P.S. and try to install all the mod by some mod installer like NMM. because if there is some bug its more easy ti uninstall, without losing files.


I have met this bug too. I guess it has something to do with interiors. Everything is fine when I try to make mods, when I make interior, there is ALWAYS THIS ***** water in whiterun. And I dont know what to do to get it off.

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