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Does rolling actually do anything?


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Never heard of it being discussed, and I don't play sneaking characters so any benefit that may be shown by it, is wasted on my testing characters :3


Anybody know what it does? Or is it just an Aesthetic?


Best way to cover ground quickly when sneaking. Roll past a patrolling guard while his back is turned, roll up behind an opponent and cut his throat during a small window of opportunity, quickly roll behind cover when someone turns your way, etc.


It may also have the benefit of only making as much noise as walking, not running, but I haven't really looked into it since rolling is worthwhile either way.

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In essence, movement. You can roll up, assasinate, and roll back, without being seen. Frankly, it is how a sneak chataracter moves when sneaking. Walking is too slow.

It also looks both weird and awesome. I feel like this weridass ninja rolling around minding my own business!

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Roll is the best sneak skill imo, they should take away "Silence", give 2 ranks to roll, first rank stay as it is now, you can only roll forward, 2nd rank you should able to side roll to enhance better stealth experience...


Just 2 cents.

Edited by Crossaber
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