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Pirate Island BETA


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This is a great mod and too anyone whos not use it use, But back to my main point, I left the Iland using there Teleporter NPC the scroll that allows you to come back I dropped not knowing it could be picked back up is there anyway I can create the item using the Command bar or some other way, I would love to get back to my ship?


Also to the person who made this Mod please come back and finnish it or tell someone else they can finnish it this mod is great and the ideas behind it.

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Sorry for the double post..


But if any Admin or experinced Modder tell me if I can take over this 2 year old project and work on it then give credit to the original designer when I release a new version?


I believe I can finnish this mod and make it better with full credit to the orginal designer, I just want some say sp before I go ahead and do it.

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