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Making an item buildable in workshop mode?


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I've only found one tutorial on how to do this and it seems to be outdated compared to options in the CK now. This is the one I found:

Can anyone point me to a better tutorial that shows how to add something, say a table, from the regular game and make it buildable at a settlement? I'm a complete noob with this so any help would be great!
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Actually, that tutorial is probably the best available for the subject. I used this video to help in making my first workshop item and still refer to it on occasion. There is absolutely nothing in it that is outdated. What "options in the CK now" are you talking about that differ from the tutorial?


Making a new workshop item isn't the easiest thing to do if you're not familiar with the CK. Make sure you take the time to watch the entire tutorial and repeat the steps exactly. There was another video I've watched in the past on doing this, but it has since been removed from YouTube. It wasn't any better than the Seddon4494 tutorial. Honestly, his tutorials are probably the best available for F04.

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That vid pretty much covers it.


It's not hard to make things constructible.


One thing I'd suggest is make up a naming convention for your items. makes it easier to find later on. (I use 000BB_ for all my items, so I can filter everything.)


Now, it is a bit trickier to make something constructible that wasn't usable at all before. (eg: bathroom hooks, the bathroom radio etc)


Same principle, but a few more steps.

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What I meant is once you double click the item and in the lower left it says "Keywords" he says he uses one call Workshopcontainers, or something like that to make it show up under containers. I don't see that option or any others. I mean I would assume they would have Workshoptables, Workshopbeds, etc. Am I missing something there?


Specifically what I'm wanting to add is the gurney and two carts from this loading screen: https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/6/60/FO4_Doctor_loading_screen.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160415183021

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Containers are kinda their own thing that way, and is kind of a red herring for what you want to do in this case.


Keywords in that panel have a buncha uses:



eg: workshopcanbepowered means it can use power if avail, but another spot must tell the item it needs that power.


No, there aren't the keywords you mentioned.


To add the gurny, since it is a static, you'll have to make a usable version.

No keywords are needed EXCEPT in the actual recipe.


Those tell the game where to put it in the craft menu.


eg: for the bathroom hooks I did, I have them use the Workshopworkbenchtypefurniture (so when you open the workbench, it's under furniture),

using the recipe filter WorkshopRecipeFilterFurniture02Misc means it shows up under the misc section.


While you can add new categories, it's frowned upon as there is a limit in the game. (that's what SKE was designed for, to give a framework to work with for new goodies)


So, for your gurney:


Make a new static for one of the 2 gurney items (or both)

Make a new transform for them.

Make a workshop recipe to actually make them.


That's it.


Then you get the items showing wherever you put them.


Making them actually do something, is another issue. (as in say, sleeping on the gurney)

But for decoration? Just follow the directions.

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Thanks, that's a big help! Yeah mainly I just want the gurney for decoration. I made a mini hospital and have regular beds, but I thought why not have a gurney in there. The other little carts I just think make sense to have in a workshop to put tools on.

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I'm adding a buncha stuff to my exports mod, and can easily drop those in. (I skipped'em today)


Of course, by the time this update is done, most of the stuff will also have something on it to make it canadian.

(even just a little maple leaf)




Of course, I'm also looking at what one could actually DO with some of the items.

Gurney: snooze

cart: table (well, sortakindalike) :)


So many items, I'm probably gonna have to bite the bullet and incorporate SKE into it.

While I could add my own section to the menus, I'd rather not. (bad form and all)

hmmm..... I just had an idea on that...

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