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7 Days To Die

More zombies everywhere except sleepers


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A friend and I have been trying to get more zombies to appear on blood moons and wandering hordes but for some reason they won't appear. All of our XML edits went swimmingly in A15 but now we can't seem to get the A16 XMLs to do what we want.


We simply want 5x or more the zombies in wandering hordes and at least 64 per player even on the first horde night. We're both extremely experienced players and were hugely disappointed at the horde numbers come day 7 with only 8 zombies appearing at once even though my dedicated server is set to 32 each (Is that 32 per the whole night or at once?). I get that the game wants to slowly feed you more but we need all out chaos on horde night as it used to be. There's just no challenge when you figure out their AI.


We need a Left 4 Dead situation going where there is an actual threat because we are apparently too experienced in dodging them to make this game any sort of challenge. I'd rather my server crash with too many zombies than yawn all night as we easily evade them.


Any help is much appreciated!

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