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gator claw variants


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Gatorclaws have been running wild for quite a few years before the sole survivor runs into Nuka world who's to say they haven't adapted maybe breed whit a deathclaw and produced some male gatorclaws perhaps their genetic pool has widened of course those found in the safari adventure would still be the same after all they are fresh clones but there may be others that found the Commonwealth swamp areas to be pleasant homes.


gator claws come in green and white, if you want one as a companion whit the wasteland workshop mod Beast Master by steelfeathers i would just like them to be as varied as deathclaws maybe have an Alpha variant where we get a male gatorclaw perhaps just add the large dorsal scales on their backs from a death claw and give them some scars that would be an awesome creature to tame.


glowing gatorclaw

quantum gatorclaw

alpha gatorclaw

Alpha Male gatorclaw, gatorclaw hybrid?

Mythic gatorclaw

savage gatorclaw

matriarch gatorclaw


i know little about modding and im unsure about how hard such a mod would be, but if anyone would be up for i could not be more thankful, thank you for your time.


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