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Conflict between HGEC + Ozmo’s Textures and Robert’s Male Body


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I use HGEC Body + Ozmo’s textures for it + Luchaire's body seam reducer for my female characters, which works the best for me in reducing ugly seams along female character’s neck and hands.


However, as I attempted to install Robert Male Body (v4), I discovered a conflict: overwriting files as required by Robert’s Mod seems to negate the changes of Ozmo’s textures and make neck seams to appear for female characters. And re-installing Ozmo’s mod atop Robert’s (or simply not overwriting files when installing Robert’s mod) causes neck seams to appear on Robert’s male bodies.


Not sure if it was supposed to happen, since these mods deal with different character models, or if I am installing something wrong.


Any suggestions on how to deal with this problem (or suggestions of mods that deal with it, if it is indeed a mod conflict and not my mistake) would be most welcome.

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