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SKSE loads skyrim with no start options.


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This may be a noob issue, but it has me stumped. I have SKSE installed and several mods that rely on it. If I launch Skyrim without SKSE it loads the game and gives me errors saying SKSE isn't running, so those mods don't work, but the game works fine. The issue comes when I launch with SKSE, whether through NMM or from the SKSE shortcut installed along with it. It loads up the Bethesda splash screen, then the screen with the dragon symbol and the fog/smoke/whatever it is where the Continue, New, Load, etc options should be. Except those options never come up, and I have to quit it with Task Manager to get it to completely close.


Any help is greatly appreciated. As I said, I am pretty new to playing modded games.

Edited by roguephoenix69
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A bit of new information regarding the issue from further testing. Apparently there is a 112 Plug-in limit on my SKSE launcher. I have 109 mods installed and active (mostly for testing purposes at this point) but 125 Plug-ins. Apparently that clarification makes a difference, as when I add the 113th Plug-in, regardless of the actual mods used, I just get the Skyrim dragon symbol infinitely floating in front of a cloud of fog. No Continue, Load, etc options. Though the BaseSkyrim launcher will go into the game just fine still...


I have tried adjusting the SKSE.ini for memory size, installed ENBoost (not the full ENB, just the performance booster) and generally pulled my hair out trying to figure out why I am having this problem and if it is a common problem. For now, the obvious work-around is reduce the number of mods I am using, but if anyone knows why this happens, or even better how to fix the problem, I would love to hear it. THANX!

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