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Applying to the Creation Club


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Has anyone received a confirmation email after applying to the Creation Club?

I had some troubles with the form due to my strict java script, and third party blocker enforcement and had to redo it several times. The last one apparently got through but I never received a confirmation email of the application being received. I'm wondering if this is normal or I botched up the application and should try again.




Edit: If a moderator could please move this thread to /Skyrim Creation Kit and Modders/ I'd appreciate it. I incorrectly posted it under General Discussion.

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Ah well, Bethesda being Bethesda I guess. Thanks for the clarification.


I wonder if I say I have x years experience as a developer, will I get a confirmation
Probably not, but I'm sure they'd get in contact with you ASAP.I think they're probably busy atm working with big shot modders, the likes of Chesko, getting things rolling. Once the first few "projects" come out and they establish the success or failure of this experiment , they'll start weeding through the applications. Tbh I'm more exited about what companies like Obsidian could do if this thing gets traction.
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That big shot modder you speak of is a game developer, as is the author of Falskaar and many others. I don't know how many are actual game developers, but most of those big mods are run by some. This is what I believe ultimately lead Bethesda to create the "Creators Club". Because of the last few years developers outside of bethesda have been making mods for their games. Some modders though were'nt but would later be employeed by Obsidian..who ends up being owned by Bethesda.


Maybe I'm cynical, but I don't believe they are targeting everyone. Just guys who are on the same level as BGS and there is only one way to get to such a level.


I got a lot of ideas that I could implement into Skyrim, but I seriously doubt applying for this would get any response, because I'm not a developer and have no programming language skills of any kind.

Edited by Lisselli
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