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Mod I uploaded isn't downloading correctly!

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Are you saying that you're unable to download your mod? Looking at your files, it appears that the mod in question is unpublished. If that's the case, I've never been able to download my unpublished files either. Once I hit publish I'm able to download it fine, though. If it's that your mod file name's white, though, you just need to wait for it to upload and be verified by the Nexus server. There's typically a delay even for small files (I've had to wait a couple hours in the past for a file to go from white to green).


Or are you saying that you're having issues packing your files using "Create Archive"? Keep in mind that you have to use the naming convention that Bethesda laid out if you want your .BA2 archive to be recognised by your .ESP. For example, if you're packing some scripts you'd use "ESPFileName - Main", or if you were packing Textures you'd use the suffix " - Textures" instead, etc.


Really, more details would be appreciated to clarify the issue.

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well I uploaded the esp. and scripts I had created for the mod and published the mod thinking everything was fine but when I downloaded it to my mod manager (I hate loose files) I recieved an error. I then went to the creation kit and noticed that upon trying to make an archive it said I was packing three files I don't recognize.


  1. Scrpits\ObjectReference.pex
  2. Scripts\Form.pex
  3. Scripts\ScriptObject.pex

I then tried to pack said files but there was no place to pack them and I kept recieving an error saying. "invalid directory ;-;


EDIT: nvm! it downloaded.... sorry I'm still new to the uploading side of nexus... I'm god I feel dumb >.>'

Edited by TrustyPeaches
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Those scripts are from F4SE. I get them popping up when I want to create an archive as well. I just highlight and remove them (the button to the top right of the window when creating an archive). Try removing them and only packing your mods files and let me know if you have any further issues.

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Those scripts are from F4SE. I get them popping up when I want to create an archive as well. I just highlight and remove them (the button to the top right of the window when creating an archive). Try removing them and only packing your mods files and let me know if you have any further issues.

ok that explains everything. I'm good now. sorry for the panic attack XD

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