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No effects? Purple body?


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I've looked up for a solution to this but after hours I came back empty. I tried plenty of texture fixes but still nothing. I even re-installed the game, still nothing! Here's my bug;


In first person, every thing looks fine, no bugs, glitches, nothing, until I enter a water-infested dungeon. My whole character was purple, so I switch to third person. Alright, my guy is fine, but when I look around me, I notice the water, fire and smoke is gone. The sound is good and all is fine, but even when I get back out, the whole lake is gone! Underwater works, but it limits to that. I can see everything as if it was normal terrain. Now, I have to constantly play in first person outdoors, and indoors I have to switch back because my whole textures are either blue or purple.


In third person, here is a brief list of every thing I can't see;






-Shout effects

(Pretty much any kind of effects)


I have no idea whats causing this, I runned Skyrim with a 100% vanilla and re-installed game, so it can't really be a mod. I also updated the drivers.


Here are my specs;


Windows 7 64-bit

Custom build


Intel i3 dual core 3.10 GHz

500GB storage (340GB left)

GTX550 Ti Graphics Card

Nvidia and DirectX updated drivers



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My only guess is that you pirated, which is illegal here - if you didn't, did you try patching the game?


Only pirated copies have graphic glitches?


No, but seen as this is on a vanilla copy, it cannot be caused by mods, the crash doesn't occur on other copies, which means it may have been fixedby a patch, which are automatically downloaded from steam, and it isn't a video card issue seen as 3th/1st person fix - if it was a video card issue, neither views would work.

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My only guess is that you pirated, which is illegal here - if you didn't, did you try patching the game?


Only pirated copies have graphic glitches?


No, but seen as this is on a vanilla copy, it cannot be caused by mods, the crash doesn't occur on other copies, which means it may have been fixedby a patch, which are automatically downloaded from steam, and it isn't a video card issue seen as 3th/1st person fix - if it was a video card issue, neither views would work.


Somebody doesn't know how discs are written to, what materials are used, how the data is copied to the user's hard-drive, that discs can be scratched.


And don't even get me started with Steam's download version. Seeing as the most popular way to pirate skyrim is via download, Steam is susceptible to the same fails.




Hell, don't be so god-damn judgemental. If a technical issue arises, it's not always because "UMG ITS A F***ING PIRATED COPY! U R BANED!". Try learning about data before you make dumb-ass comments about data.


@ OP Do a re-install, update your codecs, re-install your graphics driver, change your graphics settings, try setting textures to medium/low, try unpacking the .bsa files, etc.


If those don't work, send a pm to me.

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Hell, don't be so god-damn judgemental. If a technical issue arises, it's not always because "UMG ITS A F***ING PIRATED COPY! U R BANED!". Try learning about data before you make dumb-ass comments about data.

I was not, sorry if i made that impression. I did not report the OP for I do not know wether he pirated for sure, I merely suspect it.


@ OP Do a re-install, update your codecs, re-install your graphics driver, change your graphics settings, try setting textures to medium/low, try unpacking the .bsa files, etc.


If those don't work, send a pm to me.

He already did a reinstall, changing the textures res will only redirect the game to use the missing texture's minimaps so it will not solve the issue, unpacking the bsa will not help seen as the .bsa's are loaded by the .ini by default and this is not the HD texture pack issue. Try learning about reading comments and modding in general before you make an angry comment mostly directed to someone trying to help.

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I have updated the (NON-PIRATED) game a week ago, but still no change. The only difference was that instead of being purple/blue the whole time in any interior, it only happens in dungeons and for some angles my character textures are visible, but the effects fade away like in third.
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I have updated the (NON-PIRATED) game a week ago, but still no change. The only difference was that instead of being purple/blue the whole time in any interior, it only happens in dungeons and for some angles my character textures are visible, but the effects fade away like in third.


I tried running skyrim on low, no mods, and re-re-re-installed vanilla, updated etc, and guess what; IT WORKED!!! Just to try it out, I put in one of my saves from the glitchy game, and it said the save was corrupt or something, so I'm guessing that might have been the problem? o_O Anyways it's working now, so I guess the thread is closed


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