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Positioner Mod


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I hereby request the all-powerful Skyrim modding community to kindly shed light on the possibility of creating an item positioner mod that is capable of:


- locking an item into place, so they do not get knocked over or fall down when you run into them.

- move and rotate the item with more precision than slapping it around with the default grab function.


In Oldrim, Jaxonz Positioner mod was the perfect answer to this, but with her absence and the lack of a 64-bit SKSE her positioner mod is unable to make the transition. A positioner mod I had in mind doesn't have to be nearly as powerful as Jaxonz - just fulfilling the two conditions I listed above should do nicely.


I'm sure I am not alone on this. I deeply appreciate your time and effort in looking into this. Thank you in advance!

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I don't know if there are more out there, or if this one will do everything you need, but it was mentioned to me a while ago. I have yet to use it, because I usually use custom houses, but I am about to try Heljarchen Hall again, this time, so I'll be putting it to use.



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