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need help - First Arch-Mage quest


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I'm doing the first quest that Arch-Mage Traven gives you I found the secrete room in the large room with the water and the zombie guy is not there. can someone help, I've gone through every room in the dungeon and can't find him. It won't let me finish the quest.
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He's hiding from you. Yes, really. He's behind a secret door in the east end of the bottom chamber in Nenyond Twyll. The switch to open the door is in an alcove north of the door.
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In the room with the water and the bridge and the underwater switches, I've gone to the opposite end of where you enter and I found what I believe is the switch to the left of the hidden room. I hit the switch then go into the hidden room and the only thing there is a broken pillar and a chest. I even used the map and stood right where the green arrow is. I'm so confused.
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In the room with the water and the bridge and the underwater switches, I've gone to the opposite end of where you enter and I found what I believe is the switch to the left of the hidden room. I hit the switch then go into the hidden room and the only thing there is a broken pillar and a chest. I even used the map and stood right where the green arrow is. I'm so confused.



In a situation like that i would just use the console key "~" type tcl, and try to find him that way. You can go through walls in any direction. ( toggles collision off )

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I'll give it a shot. thanks for the suggestions.


Gave the Teleport to quest target and toggle collision cheats a try and still cant find him.

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Those red crystals are trying to blast you, they charge up when you get too close. Here I made a video to show you the room you're looking for. It starts as soon as you enter the second chamber: she runs directly to the switch and then into the room. I'll leave the video up until Thursday afternoon to give you time to see it. Take a detect life spell with you.
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That's the sameroom that I go too but he is never there. I'll try the detect life spell, hopefully it will help. Thank you for making that vid for me, I greatly appreciate all the help that you and the others have offered me. thanks again. I will let you know if this works.
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