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Are the default textures meant to look like this?


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I first played FO4 shortly after release and i've decided to come back to it now since the there are so many mods now as well as the DLC's. I've installed quite a few gigabytes of new textures but there are still plenty of textures left untouched that look really crappy.


I'm not an experienced mod user at all so i dont know if these textures in the screenshots below are supposed to look that bad. Obviously compared to the nice new 2k and 4k textures i've installed the vanilla textures are always going to look nasty but some of them look so bad it seems like maybe they haven't loaded properly or something?


Anyway, as i say i'm not an expert on these matters so if anyone can enlighten me i'd really appreciate it.






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it's can be a mip-maps preload/load stages

with simple words: u have 1k/1k object texture. if u stay far - it became 512/512, more far - lower resolution., but sometimes fallout 4 engine does not have time to process textures with this way, and u see it's reduced size even if u close to object, for some seconds..


or it can be just textures author fail)

or u have setup view to low, this way textures can looks like this too)


u using some global textures pack?



ps. here u can find some vanilla textures looks., and it's reworked variants )


Edited by JagMaker
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