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Sleep Animation (Mod idea)


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I'm pretty much posting this topic to ask two questions:


1. Does a mod exist for this already? I did look, but I have a short attention span and cannot be bothered to look for more than 20 minutes.


2. If not or if nobody knows, does anybody have suggestions? It seems like it would be rather straightforward and wouldnt require much work with the Construction Set (Which I will do myself unless there's a philanthropist out there willing to waste a few hours of his/her life) to tweak the PC to lie down in the bed before the box asking how long you'd like to sleep pops up, but I could be wrong. After all, if it's that easy to do, then it'd probably be easier to find an existing mod.


I just think it's very Morrowind-esque that you only have to look at the bed to activate the sleep message, and you wake up in the same spot you were when you activated the bed. To me it seems as if the developers could have quite easily made the animation for getting into bed for NPC's to the list of character animations to add some realism but didn't for whatever reason. Thanks in advance for any useful feedback.

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