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[LE] Less difficulty levels to choose from

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I'm in the middle of creating mod that will rebalance Skyrim's difficulty. However, six levels is waaay to much. I want only 3 or 4 of them to be displayed in gameplay options menu, since I'm unable to utilize that many in a creative way. I want them to look like this:



Traveller (Easy): dmg. dealt: x2, dmg. taken: x0.5 (I'm unsure if I really want to add it)

Adventurer (Normal): dmg. dealt: x1, dmg. taken: x1

Champion (Hard): dmg. dealt: x0.5, dmg. taken: x3

Dragonborn (Nightmare): dmg. dealt: x0.25, dmg. taken: x5



I know how to change these values, I know how to rename them, but i don't know how to remove 2 or 3 difficulty levels that will not be used.


These might be hardcoded... however, patch 1.9 has added Legendary level into the game. So my thinking is: If they can be added, it means they can be removed, right?


Can anyone help?

Edited by Storm87
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I think those were injected right into the gameplay menu, so you'll need to edit that menu somehow.


Indeed. Yet, I didn't found anything useful in .ini files nor in .bsa archives. Just a bunch of texture files and vector gfx. There might be some command line, that can be put into .ini file, but i don't know it.

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