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Can't find Vault 88's map marker

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  • 1 month later...

It's in the cell QuincyQuarriesExt02. Useful tip: If you want to find where all the placed instances on an object are, but go to the Object Window and look for that object (in this case, MapMarker), right click, and select "Use Info" (all the way at the bottom). It might take a minute to scroll through and find it, but it'll tell you where it is. (Note: Keep in mind that all Vault DLC stuff has the prefix "DLC06" so if you're looking alphabetically, that's what comes up first, not "Vault88"). If you want to find it in that cell, select the cell in the Cell Window, then search for "DLCVault88MapMarker". That designates where the map marker is on your map. The location that you travel to when you select that map marker is designated by a linked XMarkerHeading (see the Linked Ref tab of that map marker).


Note: if you don't want to accidentally edit the map marker's location or cause it to get a *, but you do want to edit the linked XMarkerHeading, be sure to right click>edit the MapMarker from the cell window and hit cancel to exit it when you're looking for the refID and cell of the linked marker, then go to the marker in the world and change that as you wish.


Hope this helps!

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