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CBBE, Better Male Bodies & WICO - Confused


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I'm looking to overhaul my character and skyrims NPCs. I've been using CBBE & Better Male Bodies with Skysight Skin textures and Mature Skin textures.


After watching more videos I've now came across Windsong Skyrim Character Overhaul. I'm confused and can't get my head around what the difference between Windsong is compared to using CBBE & Better Male Bodies. Is it just CBBE and Better Male Bodies merged and can I still use my Skysight Skin and Mature Skin textures with Windsong if I was to swap over?


From all the modding I've done, the character and NPC overhaul mods really confuse me with compatability issues with textures etc incase of neck seams and so on.


With using either of the above I'm planning to use; Inhabitants of Skyrim, RS Children, Brows, Beards, Natural Eyes and Superior Lore Friendly Hair. Aslong as all is compatible.

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Let's see...

- It has several plugins, filling up your load order unnecessarily.

- It caters to the author's specific tastes. From a quick glance of the 'Oriental' download, looks like Navetsea's body textures (which aren't CBBE-compatible, and haven't been for years - tells you how out-of-date the files are, even when it was uploaded) and face textures too.

- It uses a very outdated version of CBBE. The shape is vastly different from how it looks now. Even the name they called CBBE in the description was changed more than a year before the mod's release.

- The 'better males' part of the 'CBBE and Better Males' download only contains feet meshes; you're still getting the vanilla body/hands, just with different textures.


Honestly, I wouldn't bother with it.


'WICO' is a newer version, but it only uses UNP, so I wouldn't bother with that one either. Kind of prefer my character's body to look at least somewhat realistic.


As for the mods you listed, they should all be fine together.

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Let's see...

- It has several plugins, filling up your load order unnecessarily.

- It caters to the author's specific tastes. From a quick glance of the 'Oriental' download, looks like Navetsea's body textures (which aren't CBBE-compatible, and haven't been for years - tells you how out-of-date the files are, even when it was uploaded) and face textures too.

- It uses a very outdated version of CBBE. The shape is vastly different from how it looks now.

- The 'better males' part of the 'CBBE and Better Males' download only contains feet meshes; you're still getting the vanilla body/hands, just with different textures.


Honestly, I wouldn't bother with it.


As for the mods you listed, they should all be fine together.

Woah, thanks for the quick reply. Wasn't aware of any of this, thanks a lot for the help! So many female mods compared to male lol :( the better male body comes default with a neck seam

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