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Stardew Valley

Need help with creating a mod


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I was wondering if there's a way to make animals activate dialogue since I wanna make a mod including that, but I have never made a mod and am a total noob at this and know nothing of coding so im completely lost. I heard the modding community was very informative and welcoming so im gonna try and ask... Thanks in advance.

Edited by deaderfreak
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Before you edit anything, I would suggest learning how to unpack xnb files to their core files, some of these files are string files (they hold data such as what is said by various characters, or those messages you get when right click on certain objects in other characters homes, or even what is said on the TV)

I would look through a bunch of these files until you have a basic understanding of what each file is doing.

Download Notepad++ also, it's a very handy text editor.

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