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Is it possible to replace NPC vaultsuits?


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Hello folks,


I apologise if this is an often asked question, I have searched and found nothing. I have used CBBE to customise my character, but I really like some of the alternative vaultsuit designs on Nexus and I wondered if it was possible to make it so that the denizens of the vaults spawn with one of those instead of the default vaultsuit?


Many thanks!

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Yes, it was predominantly Vault 81 I had in mind as so far that's the only active Vault I've found and they all have the same uniform. Not sure about meshes or textures, I like the alternative vault suits I've seen in the Nexus mods and thought about replacing the defaults with some of those.

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You asked if it is possible to replace vault suits. The answer is "yes" and you can easily do it using the Creation Kit (or Fo4Edit). You have to create a plugin, cause by default Vault 81 jumpsuits use the dirty version of Vault 111 suit texture. All V81 residents wear dirty suits, despite having a laundry room. There is also a clean version of V81 suit and it's obtalnable with console commands or can be crafted with Crafting Workbenches, but this one is dirty as well.


In "ArmorAddOns" tab, find AAVault81Suit, you can type the phrase in the "filter" window. Now the armor addon dialog looks like this:



In this case, locations of vanilla meshes are:

Clothes\Vault111Suit\Vault111Suit.nif (male)

Clothes\Vault111Suit\VaultSuit1stPerson.nif (male 1st person)

Clothes\Vault111Suit\FemaleVault111Suit.nif (female)

Clothes\Vault111Suit\FemaleVault111Suit1stPerson.nif (female 1st person)


Now you can edit these paths and use a version from some other mod (e.g. Slooty Vault Jumpsuit). So it's pretty simple.


If you want to use vanilla models but with new texture, just follow instructions from my tutorial and the modded versions should be available on the dropdown list.

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