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How to make an NPC or race not affect the stealth meter

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I'm playing with the Vertidrones mod that adds these little drones that you can launch and they fly around and follow the player, attack enemies etc. But when I'm sneaking, every time the drone turns around and flies back towards me the stealth meter goes from [HIDDEN] to [DETECTED]. Is there any way I can stop that from happening with FO4Edit?



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There's a flag on the NPC record that can be checked in the CK that stops that (Doesn't affect stealth meter). I'd assume there's a way to get to that in FO4Edit, but don't know where/how. I always use the CK.

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Thanks, I'll continue snooping around. I didn't find any flags really in the NPC record itself, but there are flags in the AI Packages and race records. There are a lot of flags marked as Unknown as well. Do you know what other flags there are in the same place as the doesn't affect stealth meter flag? That would help me narrow down where it is, and then I could test all the unknown flags.

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