alaricengel Posted July 31, 2017 Share Posted July 31, 2017 (edited) Hi, I know I posted awhile back about CTD on opening inventory before, but I fixed it by just simply deleting everything... and redoing everything from scratch. However, despite using Mod Organizer and Loot and all that fancy stuff I have come across two issues:1.) CTD when trying to go into inventory is back2.) When I try to get married to someone the "interested in me" dialogue option does NOT show upI have no idea what I did wrong... Everything (except a few occasional crashes which idm too much because it's better than what's happening now) worked fine... but now it's back to being completely and totally bugged with the new additional issue. Anyone have any idea? I also apologize in advance for being a noob. I swore I had everything fixed and BAM! I'm back begging for someone to take pity upon me. Lmfao. Thanks to all who try to help in advance! Load Order:skyrim.esmupdate.esmdawnguard.esmhearthfires.esmunofficialskyrimlegendaryeditionpatch.espracecompatibility.esmsesnowelfrace.esmsexlab.esmbeeingfemale.esmrskyrimchildren.esmhighrestexturepack01.esphighrestexturepack02.esphighrestexturepack03.espunofficialhighresolutionpatch.espskyui.espbvfe_serana.espblacksacramentdbreplacer.espblueeyes4elves.espimmersivecitizens-aioverhaul.esprelationshipdialogueoverhaul.espkshairdo's.esphearthfiremultikid.esptel_nalta.espgoodbrother.espmarriagemod-alphav3.espethereal_elven_overhaul.espfco-followercommentaryoverhaul.espskyrimunlimitedringsandamulets.espracemenu.espracemenuplugin.espshowracemenualternative.espdD-realisticragdollforce-realistic.espcustomraces.esphearthfiremultikid_lastname.espracemenumorphscbbe.esplindsmereyes.esppetking.espsnowelf.espwayshrinesift.esptsr_teldrynsero.esptkaa.esprschildren.esppcea-0-dganddbdlc-allraces.espdarkelfemalemaleskinstones.esphighelfskintones.espamazingfollowertweaks.espsnowelfoverhaul.espsnowelfpalace.espcompletepack.espleafrestonepiece.espbecomekingofskyrim.espimmersivepatrollsII.esptsr_marryteldrynsero.espwoodelfskins.espmarriableserana.espsflpregnancychildrearing.espracecompatibilityuskpoverride.espsexlabromance.espirishronssnowelf.espak-alternateactors.espconvenienthorses.espunicorn.espblacksacramentarmor.espmyhomeisyourhome.esplustmordvampirearmor.espblackunicorn.espthepaarthunaxultimatum.espbeeingfemalebasicadd.espxpmse.espmarriableseranahf.esprdo-aftv1.66patch.esprdo-usleeppatch.espanyonefollows2.esptheeyesofbeauty-elvesedition.esptheeyesofbeauty.espbeeingfemale_rs_patch.esprschildrenpatch-usleep.espnetchleather.espfnis.espfnis_pcea2.esp tbh idk why fnis and such is at the bottom... I reinstalled them, because I received notice when loading back in that FNISPECA2 and PECA weren't working properly anymore/whatever. I made sure to run FNIS immediately and then loot right after, but they're still located at the bottom. Is my mod organizer/loot just screwed up? edit: it crashes even trying to go into journal... so I'm assuming the game will crash no matter what at this rate :-/ Edited July 31, 2017 by alaricengel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwistedTom Posted July 31, 2017 Share Posted July 31, 2017 (edited) I'm no expert either but I fixed a ton of my CTD issues with SSME - Skyrim Starup Memory Editor and tweaks to the Skyrim.ini file to match up my graphics card. Sounds out of topic but it really does fix 90% of crashes. There's a really good video called "Stabilizing Skyrim" that shows you all this really well. Could also be outdated Skyui. Got another issue myself (posted on this forum) that I'm still trying to fix so I'm no expert. Oh also you can enable Skyrim logging to check what was trying to load before it crashed, sometimes can pinpoint the reason for the crash! Edited July 31, 2017 by TwistedTom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alaricengel Posted August 1, 2017 Author Share Posted August 1, 2017 Thank you! I shall try SSME :)I just don't feel like uninstalling everything and deleting all files to start from scratch all to have this happen all over again @.@Enable Skyrim Logging? I hope that's a mod xD lmfao ahhhhhhh #nublet TO GOOGLE!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwistedTom Posted August 1, 2017 Share Posted August 1, 2017 (edited) Yeh know the feeling! Lost hope in my own save due to an issue I can't figure out but Skyrim logging is an option in your "Skyrim.ini" file usually located in your documents/mygames/skyrim files. Hope that helps, it usually does not show the exact reason of the crash but it shows you a log file of what it was doing before the crash. Sometimes it can help but its not always reliable. Also you will need to go in-game after you change the setting and get the crash so it creates the log in the first place! Edited August 1, 2017 by TwistedTom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alaricengel Posted August 1, 2017 Author Share Posted August 1, 2017 Well adding SSME did the trick for the ctd's! Now to just figure out why does the marriage quest not even show up? Meh... less worried about that one tbh. But thank you for your help! <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwistedTom Posted August 1, 2017 Share Posted August 1, 2017 Could be a conflict with another mod, maybe someone else will know the answer best bet is to Google it if no luck maybe take a look at every mod and read their description since some things are not as simple as add to the NMM. But at least you can play now right?! XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alaricengel Posted August 1, 2017 Author Share Posted August 1, 2017 Quite possibly, but it's also a known bug in the game. (From what I've read) I have been trying to resolve it via the possible resolutions for the bug you can find on the wiki. However, to be perfectly honest, if I can play without ctd's via inventory/journal/etc. it's more important than "oh no I cannot marry someone" lmfao. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwistedTom Posted August 1, 2017 Share Posted August 1, 2017 Yeh true would of thought the unofficial patch would work. Also was going to recommend this too you also but found the exact response online you could use console commands to progress the Quest: resetquest 74793resetquest 21832setstage 74793 10 Also if you need to divorce them heres the code you should use first:removefac 51596player.removefac C6472 Hope that helps! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alaricengel Posted August 1, 2017 Author Share Posted August 1, 2017 I did try the commands, but still no avail. Idk, I feel as if I did something wrong and that perhaps I did not realize it... which will basically be impossible to find xDjust my luck :P perhaps my time role-playing has come to an end q.qsuch sadness Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwistedTom Posted August 1, 2017 Share Posted August 1, 2017 Ah sadly this is where I'm now stuck at trying to fix in-game issues without Google giving me the answers but if manage to find something would love to know about it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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