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Silver Shroud Costume scripting on random armor?

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Hey guys... So I am a total n00b when it comes to creating my own mods and what not... I managed to scrape together a nice new SS outfit that looks a little more slutty (for female characters, obviously) that actually functions just like the SS normal Costume in game... with all the dialog and such in game... but it was just copying as override into a new ESP and such through FO4edit... basically just took everything from the SS and changed the mesh to target the slutty .nif from another mod. I havent re uploaded it anywhere it was just for my personal use. So no stealing or anything like that. But now I don't want to really wear the SS outfit all the time and I'd prefer to wear my own armor (from another mod... High heels and all). Basically want I want is to apply that script to a random piece of armor from that mod so I can wear it and still be all ninja crime fighter and what not without the tired old looking SS outfit.


TL;DR version:

Me=mod creating/CK n00b and I want to add the SS script to a random piece of armor. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance to anyone that is nice enough to lend a helping hand!!!

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In CK under the Scripts tab for your armor, you need to add MS04_SilverShroudEquipped


Just click the ADD button and MS04_ in the filter and it will find it. (just checked in CK)


Not sure if you need the AAClothesSilvershoud* armor addons or not (probably not), but the script for sure.

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