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mod ideas


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if you make one of my ideas into a mod then plz give me credit and/or if a mod like it exists a link to the mod


mod that lets you wear someones head as a mask ie cut off someones head (spell item popup) and then have a item called "persons" head which you can put on to wear thair face


mod that adds a spell that turns someone to stone forever (Lost Grimoire of Skyrim i think) has a spell kinda like the one i want but it turns them to wood for like a min but i want a spell that permanently turns someone to stone so i can be like medusa and have a room full of statues of my enemys


mod that adds a blue eyed skeleton as a race or follower or armour or something (think of sans from undertale) (only one eye blue though) aswell as other undertale people


mod that makes it so thralls can't die ie a super dead thrall that has like 9999999 hp and takes no fall damage and resists everything and makes it so you can command them (ie make a normal follower out of them) ie the only thing that can kill them is me useing a spell or popup to tell them to drop dead also no lv limit/restrictions and makes reanimated corpses rise faster


mod that makes it so you can put bodies in inventory clean up your corpses and Jaxonz Positioner do this but i want to have more than one at a time and not have to have the hassle like i do with jax


mod that makes it so you can cut off heads sooner ie get a perk or something that lets you cut off heads at lv one


mod that makes it so you can edit npcs in game ie open showracemenu but edit the npc rather than the PC


mod that makes it so you can sit and wait in speed up time (like oblivions MoreImmersiveWaitingBeta mod)


mod that makes it so you can wear dark brotherhood armour under other armour


mod that makes it so the can player use a different makeup mod than the npcs ie the player uses better females but npcs use coverwoman


mod that adds a quest for the ancient falmer tomes so its easier to find them


mod that gives the reaper better loot ie full set of dadric armour and a sword and shield and or battleaxe


mod that makes clothing with no armour rateing weightless


mod that makes anise nice ie lets you live in her house,not kill you for going downstairs,letting you join her coven and teaching you stuff ie selling you spells or being a spell trainer


mod that makes lets you to skin someone and turn them into a skeleton (also getting stuff like flesh hearts and other items like brains eyes ect) then turn the skeletons into bones ie skull hands feet ect and turn them into bone meal


mod that makes lets you be a mermaid ie craft a mermaid tail (with diffrent colors) and attack in water and swim faster and breath underwater


mod that makes it so werewolves can make you a werewolf ie get attacked by a WW and get a chance to get lycanthropy like you can get vampireism from vampires and also adds the option to tell the companions that you are a WW when you join the circle


mod that lets you reattach severed heads ie if you want to reanimate someone but you cut thair head off


mod that adds a follower that never fights or a spell that makes it so no matter what a follower never fights ie thay run (or sneak if you are sneaking) away when you start a fight and thay stay away from enemys and never start a fight or break your cover when sneaking


mod that makes eaten corpses look eaten cause if i eat someone it should look like i ate a piece of them


mod that makes braith stop thinking her parents are dead cause for some reason that b**ch thinks her mom and dad are dead (thay are not btw) and asks me to adopt her


mod that lets you save eltrys that other guy who dies by scripted event (i forget his name) also get that dark elf out of jail in riften


mod that adds zeldas light bow (and normal wood like bow) a wood sword retexture to look like zeldas wood sword (OoT works)


mod that lets any race have any race power ie let a redguard have orc power


mod that adds a spell that makes a npc stop talking out loud (ie only subs no audio) for the npc hit only


mod that lets you build and run an orphanage and house every orphan in the game

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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