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Tolfdir doesn't sell all spells (Leveled List Bug?)


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Tolfdir doesnt sell all the spells that are avaliable for SkyRe. The spells that he doesn't sell are Feather, Advanced Feather, Push, Greater Push and walk on water. He is the only merchant that has that issue. And it is only those spells that doesnt exist. I made a new character and set my alteration skill to 100 and he sold the stuff that should be sold at that level but not those spells so I'm wondering if this is actually a leveled list issue? I went into CK and those spells ARE in fact inside the leveled list so that's out of the question. Maybe something is over writing it? Any ideas on what I can do to fix this?




What I did to fix this was this: I made a bashed patch with wryebash to only merge the leveled lists and it fix the problem.

Before the bashed patch:


After the bashed patch:



Edited by morogoth35
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