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Scripting help.


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Hi, I'm making a mod that will spawn several enemies that will hound you non stop until you're dead, or they are (Which they'll just respawn 3 days later) and I have scripting questions.


How do I assign an NPC a horse, and specify which type of horse they use?


Is there a way for them to know where you are so they can pursue, but not nessecarily "see you" so you can hide?


Is there a way to add a passive demoralize effect that will send guards running, so you'll be all alone to deal with these beasties?


What would the script be if I respawned them at a certain area.


Is it possible to play a sound effect when they come within a certain range of you?




Will the enemies automatically get off their horses to attack you?

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normaly, there is a file that gives you all the commands when you doanload OBSE (on silverclock site)

OBSE is not needed for such a mod, and probably wouldn't provide any additional "features" that would be useful in this case. It would however force certain requirements to be present for anyone to use this mod, and may open the doorway for scripting issues (belonging to scripts not normally attempted) to occur.


The easiest method is to place each of these NPCs in world, make them respawn, make a faction which has 2 faction ranks (one for non-hunting AI, one for hunting AI), use a script to change their factions based on something (the player entering a city or a cell), and then reset that faction back to the default (non-hunting) when they are killed. The rest is just setting up packages.


As for the demoralize effect, you can just attach it to a greater power (once a day spell) which also has a fortify health component to it (so that they use it once combat starts).


Horses are controlled by placing a horse reference in world, making that NPC the owner of that horse, and having packages that have "use horse" checked. However using horses in this case probably isn't such a good idea since it might interfere with other behavior, and won't necessarily make them travel faster. What you want to avoid is the player being able to guess when they will be hunted next based on when they last killed someone. By making the NPCs have a variable AI, and using slightly slower travel, things can become less predictable.

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