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Creating a mask, need help finding a shaped piece.


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Hey all


So I am making a face mask in nifscope based on this below.




And this is what I've done so far,



dw it'll be much better once I get around to giving it proper textures.


Anyhow, my main problem is I am having trouble finding objects for the curved metal bit that goes over the nose, with the glowing runes on it. I just need something similar to that in shape and it'll be pretty easy to add it on and resize it as necessary. I've had a little success with things like circlets and forehead-armor but it's not quite right even after altering the shape a bit in nifscope. Does anyone know of any objects, preferably part of existing head pieces that have a part like this?


p.s. would love to be making this in blender but have had far too much trouble getting it working correctly with imported nifs.

Edited by Drazhar753
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