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there is way too much loot! any fixes?


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I have project nevada with all the loot turned down to the lowest, and there is still just an incredible amount of loot. A wastelander could retire off one good haul. I recently went through the robco acuired factory with the nightkin and ghoul cult, and I carried out over 30 of each, fission batteries, conductors, scarp metal, and a ton of other craft material.


Is there any mod that would work with P.N. to reduce the loot? Any plans on one? Why so much in the vanilla game? For me more then any other game feature scarcity of resources really puts me into it. The first Resident Evil always got me so immersed and I loved it bc I was always out of bullets.

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Is there any mod that would work with P.N. to reduce the loot? Any plans on one? Why so much in the vanilla game? For me more then any other game feature scarcity of resources really puts me into it. The first Resident Evil always got me so immersed and I loved it bc I was always out of bullets.


Check out Puce Moose Tweak and Balance Center - http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=35015 - it has a bunch of realism/hardcore modules that address these issues.

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