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Character suddenly equips weapon and cannot move.


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On my latest save, (There Stands The Green, in the oxygen recycling area just before you report back to Kelly after the explosion.) my character will suddenly unholster his weapon after about 30 seconds and is unresponsive to the WASD keys, however I can still move the mouse up and down, but not in any other direction, the hotkeys for weapons seem to be the only ones responsive. Any help regarding this is appreciated, thank you. I


I have tried "enableplayercontrols" and "tcl" however these do not work, unfortunately.


My mod list:


# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
+Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP
+Vault 22 Flora Overhaul
+Ed-E The Random Sounds 3d sound
+Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex EVOLUTION PACK
+Ed-E The Random Sounds
+HiRes Skill Books Retexture
+Minimod - High Resolution Newspapers
+Vanilla UI Plus
+New Vegas Bounties I and Freeside Open Compatibility Patch
+Nevada Skies - Weather Effects
+Barber Blades
+The Armored Business Suit
+Weapons (of the new Millenia)
+Enhanced Blood Textures for NV v2_22c
+New Vegas Uncut - Freeside Open patch
+New Vegas - Enhanced Camera
+Lucky 38 Suite Reloaded v4
+HI-RES Chems and Health Re-Texture
+MGs Neat Clutter Retextures
+FeralGhouls Hires retexture
+Holster - new mesh for Heavensturkey
+New Vegas Bounties I
+New Vegas Uncut - Freeside Open patch AWOP
+Book of Steel - Compatibility Edition
+aMidianBorn NV Book Of Steel
+aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water
+Bornagain Combat Armor
+Factions Reloaded - Followers of the Apocalypse
+Weapon Retexture Project - WRP
+WMX-AWOP - Updated compatibility for WMX and A World of Pain
+AWOP Weapon Mod Patches
+Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX DLC
-Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX WRP
+Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX EVE
+Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX
+EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements
+RACE - Main File
+Casino Heist Pack
+Digital Nightmare - Music Mod
+Blues Radio New Vegas
+Grimy Pre-war Businesswear Texture Fix
+A World Of Pain (AWOP)
+Enhanced NPC Awareness
+NV Novac Apartment
+More Traits
+More Perks
+Evil Detective Outfit For Males no badge
+Evil Detective Outfit For Males
+New Vegas Uncut - Freeside Open
+ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland
+Couriers Stash Integration
+Tutorial Killer
+Delay DLC Combined
+Roleplayers Alternative Start Fallout New Vegas
+Courier 6 Flannel Shirt
+Heroes of the Apocalypse 2.0
+Elianora's Awesomised Sink (OWB)
+Weapon Animation Replacer rifle
+Weapon Animation Replacer WAR
+Factions Reloaded - Raiders
+NMCs_Texture_Pack_For_New_Vegas 3
+NMCs_Texture_Pack_For_New_Vegas 2
+New Vegas Bounties III
+New Vegas Bounties II
+The Someguy Series
+NVInteriors Project combo
+NVInteriors Project
+NCR Trooper Overhaul - Distributed
+NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta
+Compatibility with other mods
+Caesars New Regime - Legion Overhaul
+Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert Breeze
+Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert
+Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert Breeze Type3
+Project Nevada
+Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 POWDERGANG FIX -IMPORTANT-
+Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 FULL PACK
+Redesigned 3
+Fallout Character Overhaul 2.3.1
+Type3 Body and Armor replacer
+The Mod Configuration Menu
+NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash
*Unmanaged: CaravanPack
*Unmanaged: ClassicPack
*Unmanaged: DeadMoney
*Unmanaged: FalloutNV
*Unmanaged: GunRunnersArsenal
*Unmanaged: HonestHearts
*Unmanaged: LonesomeRoad
*Unmanaged: MercenaryPack
*Unmanaged: OldWorldBlues
*Unmanaged: TribalPack
*Unmanaged: R
*Unmanaged: Courier's Radio
Edited by Serkonos
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That behavior sounds like a script gone amok. Anyway it indicates a mod conflict.


That is not a sorted "load order", so it doesn't help us identify mod conflicts. You should have LOOT installed. It has the ability to export your sorted "load order". Please see the 'Essentials for Getting Started' section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.

Make sure any "inactive" plugins are not present in the "Data" folder; they will cause problems.


Are you sure you need BOTH:

* Evil Detective Outfit For Males no badge

* Evil Detective Outfit For Males
Usually such are "one or the other". Similar for "NVInteriors Project". (I know that is one or the other.) You have a number of others with the same problem. These are all causing conflicts. Re-read the mod install instructions more carefully.
I don't use MO, so I'm not sure, but it seems odd to me that the DLC files are "unmanaged". Look into that. And a plugin just named "R" is suspicious.
Edited by dubiousintent
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I used Loot to update the modlist, however the bug is still present.


Updated Modlist:


# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
+Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP
+Vault 22 Flora Overhaul
+Ed-E The Random Sounds 3d sound
+Hectrol ED-E Deluxe HR Retex EVOLUTION PACK
+Ed-E The Random Sounds
+HiRes Skill Books Retexture
+Minimod - High Resolution Newspapers
+Vanilla UI Plus
+New Vegas Bounties I and Freeside Open Compatibility Patch
+Nevada Skies - Weather Effects
+Barber Blades
+The Armored Business Suit
+Enhanced Blood Textures for NV v2_22c
+New Vegas Uncut - Freeside Open patch
+New Vegas - Enhanced Camera
+Lucky 38 Suite Reloaded v4
+HI-RES Chems and Health Re-Texture
+MGs Neat Clutter Retextures
+FeralGhouls Hires retexture
+Holster - new mesh for Heavensturkey
+New Vegas Bounties I
+New Vegas Uncut - Freeside Open patch AWOP
+Book of Steel - Compatibility Edition
+aMidianBorn NV Book Of Steel
+aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water
+Bornagain Combat Armor
+Factions Reloaded - Followers of the Apocalypse
+Weapon Retexture Project - WRP
+WMX-AWOP - Updated compatibility for WMX and A World of Pain
+AWOP Weapon Mod Patches
+Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX DLC
-Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX WRP
+Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX EVE
+Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX
+EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements
-RACE - Main File
+Casino Heist Pack
+Digital Nightmare - Music Mod
+Blues Radio New Vegas
+Grimy Pre-war Businesswear Texture Fix
+A World Of Pain (AWOP)
+Enhanced NPC Awareness
+NV Novac Apartment
+More Traits
+More Perks
+Evil Detective Outfit For Males no badge
-Evil Detective Outfit For Males
+New Vegas Uncut - Freeside Open
+ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland
+Couriers Stash Integration
+Tutorial Killer
+Delay DLC Combined
+Roleplayers Alternative Start Fallout New Vegas
+Courier 6 Flannel Shirt
+Heroes of the Apocalypse 2.0
+Elianora's Awesomised Sink (OWB)
+Weapon Animation Replacer rifle
+Weapon Animation Replacer WAR
+Factions Reloaded - Raiders
+NMCs_Texture_Pack_For_New_Vegas 3
+NMCs_Texture_Pack_For_New_Vegas 2
+New Vegas Bounties III
+New Vegas Bounties II
+The Someguy Series
+NVInteriors Project combo
+NVInteriors Project
+NCR Trooper Overhaul - Distributed
+NCR Trooper Overhaul_beta
+Compatibility with other mods
+Caesars New Regime - Legion Overhaul
+Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert Breeze
+Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert
+Spice of Life - Variety Armor and Clothing Robert Breeze Type3
+Project Nevada
+Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 POWDERGANG FIX -IMPORTANT-
+Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 FULL PACK
+Update (Redesigned)
+Redesigned 3
+Fallout Character Overhaul 2.3.1
+Type3 Body and Armor replacer
+The Mod Configuration Menu
+NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash
*Unmanaged: CaravanPack
*Unmanaged: ClassicPack
*Unmanaged: DeadMoney
*Unmanaged: FalloutNV
*Unmanaged: GunRunnersArsenal
*Unmanaged: HonestHearts
*Unmanaged: LonesomeRoad
*Unmanaged: MercenaryPack
*Unmanaged: OldWorldBlues
*Unmanaged: TribalPack
*Unmanaged: R
*Unmanaged: Courier's Radio
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Wherever you are getting that list from in MO, it's not your "sorted load order". (In fact, I don't see any significant difference from your original list. Unnecessary files pointed out earlier are still there.) Please read the instructions linked earlier on how to get your LO from LOOT.



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Sorry, I was posting the modlist instead of the load order:



YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
factions reloaded raiders v2.esp
ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
Bitter Springs Redesigned.esp
Casa Madrid Redesigned.esp
More Traits.esm
Project Nevada - Core.esm
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
More Perks.esm
Courier's Radio.esm
YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
FCO - GlowingOne.esp
FCO - Playable Races + Roberts Patch.esp
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
More Perks Update.esp
factions reloaded followers.esp
Alternative Start.esp
Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp
Tutorial Killer.esp
More Traits Update.esp
Enhanced NPC Awareness.esp
R.A.C.E. Station.esp
Integration - Couriers Stash.esp
Book of Steel.esp
boa ncrpahelmet.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
Armored Suit.esp
ED-E 3D Sound.esp
NevadaSkies - TTW Edition.esp
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp
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That's better, but you still have unnecessary files that are causing problems. (That list doesn't indicate if any files are "inactive" so I'm assuming they all are "active".) Specifically: don't use "NevadaSkies - TTW Edition.esp" if you aren't playing TTW. Don't use both "NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp" and "NevadaSkies - Basic Edition.esp"; you are supposed to choose one or the other. Re-read the install instructions: you should use the "DLC Edition".


Once you have cleaned up the "Data" folder, try again. But first go back to a save before you encountered your problem, and perform a "clean save" as laid out in the "Clean Saves" section of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article. You need to get rid of the residue from the conflicting mods. (If possible; scripts are not always that easily removed from existing save games.)



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