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Bleach Ichigo's armor


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No promises, but could you post example images featuring all important details? I don't know exactly what armor you're talking about, as I quit watching Bleach when it transformed into a horrible shameless DBZ clone with fewer redeeming qualities, but before that it was OK :)


If it fits the theme of my mod, I might consider making a variation of it, though it wouldn't be exactly the same.


Otherwise my advice would be to start searching through the Japanese websites. I'll bet they've got all kinds of cool stuff if you can get at it.

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The one on the right isn't too radical. Might add something along those lines in the future, though in varying color choices. The one on the left would be either A) Ugly as sin with wild vertexes flying all over the place, cloth clipping through things left and right, or B) static and useless outside of cool screenshots.
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Its really just a dramatically drawn Kimono, but the first picture (above) shows normal sleeves while the two you've posted have the wider sleeves. Both are consistent with existing styles in different periods of Japanese history, so I'll probably go with the shorter, more conservative sleeves. The bigger sleeves look worse as Skyrim has no bones for controlling excess cloth.


I need to do shoes like that too. They'll probably come first actually.

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