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i lost lydia


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so this is what happened

i went to a dungeon played and killed all the enemies i encountered and i ran into this door puzzle as i was solving it she kinda got in the way so i told her to wait at the corner then i solved the puzzle and rushed through the exit(forgetting Lydia)so i kinda got lazy going through the dungeon all over again so is there any way i can get her back?

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i have not needed to use these console commands yet because i always keep an eye on lydia; but, here you go:


(from: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Lydia )

Lydia can sometimes disappear and won't be at Dragonsreach or Breezehome.

This can be problematic if you've given her important or valuable items.

In such situations, the following console commands might be helpful:


To teleport the player to her location, use the console command:

player.moveto 000A2C94


To teleport her to the player's location, use the console command:

prid 000A2C94. Hit enter. Then type moveto player


still waiting for a mod that ties a red ballon to her, a child leash, or gives her a skyrim cell phone.

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I've got a similar issue.


I can't hire any followers because apparently I already have someone with me, but I never hired or recruited any followers.


I've finished a few quests that had follower characters attached to them but I never actually hired one or asked one to join me. I don't have any quests with a follower active and I'm not currently in any major questlines. It's not like I just left a follower behind and never went back to get them. I never actually had any followers that weren't part of a quest.


Is there any command to send all followers home, or some sort of mod I could make that would release anyone from my service, or some way to edit my save to release any followers? Something is apparently messed up and the game probably kept one of those quest followers registered in the on position even when the follower appears to be off to the player.


I've already gone around to each of the possible NPCs and various follower NPCs to no avail, I'm running out of ideas on things to try, fast traveling around doesn't help, waiting doesn't help and talking to ex-questfollowers doesn't help.

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