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Seductress Serana Causing CTD on SSE


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Firstly, yes I am aware that this mod was made for oldrim, however, I updated the nifs, and the esp file via the CK (all of the steps which normally result in making a mod, provided it doesn't require SKSE, compatible for SSE). MxR is using this same Serana alteration on his "Mega Modded Skyrim" series, which is played on SSE.


The CTDs occur at a varying duration of time spent near Serana. To test that the mod worked, I used the "prid 2002b74, disable, enable, moveto player" command string. Upon spawning near me for the first time is when I noticed the problem. While the duration varies, it only does so slightly, ranging from 1-5 seconds before the CTD occurs. I made a save before spawning her, and after spawning her, and in both cases, once spawned, or upon loading in the case of the latter, the issue occurs again.


I thought that perhaps the reason for the CTDs was that I was using the CBBE-HDT version of the mod without HDT. I installed a mod which was an "update" to back to TBBP so that HDT was not required, and yes, I have the required XPMSE for SSE. I then tried using the UNP variant of Seductress Serana, but the results were the same. I use CBBE with all of my other characters, and so would prefer to get that body to work properly.


I looked at the mods posts, and found someone solved this by removing XPMSE, but I would lose a couple of other mods if I removed this (animations which require XPMSE), and would therefore prefer to not remove XPMSE. If anybody has any ideas how to correct this without removing XPMSE I would really appreciate it.

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