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recommended mods & hidden gems


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Hi folks


so after a long time , and after finding some seemingly great combat overhauls , I think it's time to get back to Skyrim , and see some of the amazing new content released for this game

I'm planning on making one long playthrough , so I want to find some interesting mods for it , which is why I'm writing this , to ask for your best recommendations


I'm looking for interesting quest mods , mods that add a lot of new content to the game

these could be new mods (like the new Beyond Skyrim - Bruma , which I'm sure to play) , or older ones (probably gonna play Falskaar , which I still haven't done)

I'm also hoping to finally play the civil war questline , if there is a good mod that utilizes it's potential (I've heard about Civil War Overhaul , but that's not available anymore , so other suggestions will be greatly appreciated)


I'll probably use Perma (unless there is a better perk overhaul I don't know about) , ultimate combat , and some of it's suggested mods for a full combat experience

not really looking for armor\weapon mods or follower mods , but if there is a mod I must try , please suggest it


now , I know how to search the site for mods , and have been doing so for many years now

but there are a lot of hidden gems around , that don't get the respect they deserve

so if you know of any such mod , please do mention it (if you can leave a link , even better)

I hope this will allow others to share their favorite mods , and bring some love to the forgotten gems littered all around the Nexus


thanks in advance , and have a wonderful summer


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