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Any advice?


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OK guys - I know I might be relighting an old fire here but this is my question.


Can anyone recomend to me the optimum settings, drivers, INI files, Mods anything which I can use, tweak or set to help Skyrim run as smooth and as nice to my pc's ability?


I have been away from this game for the last month or so due to work - Now the computer dosent seem to be handling it as well anymore seems very laggy compared to what it used to be.


I regulary clean it up with CCleaner and Smart defrag - Use Game Fire while gaming as well as the FPS limiter when playing Skyrim.




Windows 7 64 Bit

Intel Core i7 870 @ 3Ghz

6GB DDR3 Ram

HD5570 (Old now I know)

DirectX 11 (not sure if this is relevant since skyrim dosent use it)

2 - 500GB hard disks (Only Skyrim and Deus Ex HR installed on one of them)


Internals are all still standerd for now but looking to get a lot of new kit this year hopefully like GPU,Motherboard etc so any recomendations would be great. I am usually OK at figuring these things out but this has got me stumped now I feel like I have tried everything but i also do not want to play the game on the bare min settings as it looks in a word gash lol


Sorry to ramble first post :) Any help will be much appreciated. o_O

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