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_0 and _1 vertex reordering issues


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Currently this is my last stumbling block on the modeling sides of things. I can't seem to figure out why I'm getting vertex reordering for certain sections of the model (Using Max2012 & the So Much Morpher from the video tutorial); I never added or removed vertices from the geometry during any step, yet certain sections of the model end up with different vertex orderings. However, it always seems to be the same sections that suffer the issue, every single time, and it always seems to be with neighboring vertices (or so it appears, based on me moving the weight slider slowly to track their movements). I tried doing it with clean meshes (no pre-existing skin or BSDismember which would template the skin and dismember that SMM would add, like my other attempts), but those didn't work either, and screwed up the skin too (which I can fix, but would rather avoid having to remake if at all possible).
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  • 2 months later...
Hey. I'm having the same issue. Ive tried using the Somuchmorpher from somuchmonsters.com and I Can't seem to find a way for the vertex numbers to be ordered properly. I've also made a manual push on the model to see and it is the same result. Let me know if you find out anything
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