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CK - any way to change NPC/level health increase


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I'm trying to rework Skyrim's quite cartoony combat system into something that actually feels like combat and not like a bunch of pinatas hitting each other, but one bog obstacle is the way NPC's vary drastically in the mount of HP they have according to their level, so a level 1 NPC will have measly 50HP, while a level 20+ can easily go into hundreds - as you might imagine, balancing weapon damage for such a great range of HP values is very hard to do. You either end up with weapons that feel like wooden sticks on higher levels, or you end up with lightsabers that kill every low-level NPC with one hit.


So I am wondering if there is some sort of a multiplier, or a CK setting, anything that allows you to control the amount of HP NPC's get per level, or is that hardcoded?

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I was looking into this too, without success. I'd much prefer leveling up be about getting more skilled, as opposed to getting god-like amounts of health. My workaround would be giving everyone and everything a substantially higher basic HP, and also seriously upping the damage of all weapons and attacks. That way a higher level NPC will have maybe 50% more HP than a low level one, instead of several hundred per cent more.
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Yes, but that would require editing hundreds and hundreds of base NPC actor values, something I'd like to avoid. That's why I'm wondering if the HP calculations are hardcoded, because if we could change that, then with one simple number change we could do whatever we want with NPC health.


I already have lethal weapon damages in, and I have it so that armor is actually felt when doing damage (the difference between dropping the same guy with one or two arrows and three or four depending on the armor.


But to achieve consistency, it is vital that NPC health range be narrowed down. I'm really, *really* hoping there is an automatic way of doing this...

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Found it! The iAVDhmsLevelUp game setting controls how much both the player and NPC's gain per level. Default is 10, if you reduce that to say, 1, NPC HP, magicka and stamina difference will be negligible. So will the PC level differences, making it possible to balance deadly weapons and magic much more effectively, maintain consistent challenge across the leveling process, get rid of leveled actor lists (or better said, such lists no longer make any difference since you don't get attacked by walking tanks anymore) etc.


One number, so much good stuff. :D

Edited by Mansh00ter
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  • 1 year later...

Found it! The iAVDhmsLevelUp game setting controls how much both the player and NPC's gain per level. Default is 10, if you reduce that to say, 1, NPC HP, magicka and stamina difference will be negligible. So will the PC level differences, making it possible to balance deadly weapons and magic much more effectively, maintain consistent challenge across the leveling process, get rid of leveled actor lists (or better said, such lists no longer make any difference since you don't get attacked by walking tanks anymore) etc.


One number, so much good stuff. :biggrin:


Hey sorry if its in another forum but i'm new to modding and doing this stuff. How do you do that???

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