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Help? Putting HDT hair (not wigs) onto NPCs through CK


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I am using KS Hairdos HDT to put havoked hair onto NPCs, but I am ultimately getting stopped by the stretch bug. I have been able to get the hair onto NPCs, and everything works correctly in-game except for the stretching. I know that stretching happens when there is a missing bone, and the CK even warns me that bone "Anto92 1" is missing when I click either of the preview check boxes. My player character's hair does not stretch. At this point, I suspect that somehow, the player character must have at least one extra bone that NPCs do not have, but I frankly have no idea how that could even be the case. Might anyone be able to educate me on this topic?


At the moment, I am working with a completely clean install and only have HDT physics extension, XPMSE.esp, and KS Hairdos - HDT.esp installed.

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