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Quest driven mods


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Can ppl recommend some larger mods that have quests within them


I remember 'The Spires' from Oblivion that was brilliant. If anyone knows of similar mods, then can you please link them for me here


Thanks and special thanks to all the modders out there who work so hard to enhance the game play within Skyrim

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The CK hasn't really been out long enough for anything too spectacular to have been released. I don't really know what's out there right now in terms of quests (been modding, not playing), but you're not going to find anything on the scale of "The Spires" yet. Sorry. :sad:
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The CK hasn't really been out long enough for anything too spectacular to have been released. I don't really know what's out there right now in terms of quests (been modding, not playing), but you're not going to find anything on the scale of "The Spires" yet. Sorry. :sad:


Thankyou for your reply...much appreciated, and look forward to bigger mods, as time goes on :)

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I don't know if this would interest you... it's not a large mod, and it's my first mod I've made for SkyRim with the Creation Kit, but my "Awnuld the Bold" mod might be of interest to you?



I tried to make it as a humorous made-for-fun mod.

Currently it has 5 quests that Awnuld will give you, and I'm planning on expanding on that.

Edited by BigDon1
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