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No respawn on junk


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From what I know of the CK I suspect that this isn't possible, but what I'd really like to see is a mod that prevents junk items from respawning in a cell (not so bothered about dungeon interiors which repopulate with npcs).


I understand the reasoning behind why it happens, but its a bit silly that someone keeps following me around and replacing all the broken lamps and old pre-war newspapers that I pick up. Not only that - they put them back in exactly the same spot where I previously found them! Now thats a seriously OCD stalker.


I imagine that the most that can be done is just to increase the cell reset timer, but aside from the Survival options mods (and I don't like playing on Survival) there aren't even any cell reset timer mods that still work. Not that they really solve the issue anyway, because I still want enemies to respawn - just not the random junk.


Like I say though... I suspect it can't be done. I'd be happy to hear if anyone knows otherwise?

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