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[WIP] Advent Manor -- Looking for Alpha Testers


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--- Advent Manor ---

The only true home for the Dovahkiin


--- Little Message From Me ---


Ok, So just to start off, This is my first mod, I am not expecting a ton of "Holy Bl**p thats amazing" coming from anyone, However, If you do like the look of my work, Let me know... It helps me out by boosting my moral and encouraging me to do more work.


On another note, I accept Constructive criticism, It helps me improve my skills as a modder and boosts my moral because I feel I am actually learning from this. So to sum up, If your going to be a troll, please leave. This mod is just as much a adventure for me as it is a learning experience. So help me provide a better product for You by sharing your ideas and thoughts.


--- Details ---


Ok so mainly I am making this mod to accomplish a couple things;


  • Provide a new home that is unique for the player.
  • Create a centralized location the player can complete repetitive tasks in.
  • Give players a chance to have their story told through a Hall Of Monuments. (Yes, this is a Guild Wars inspired feature)
  • May have donating options available with rewards once the mod reaches a releasable state ( I need your advice if I am to improve more )
  • And finally (Once I learn how to accomplish it) create a place to centralize their followers into a single area, Providing them with a "At-the-ready mini army"


--- Features ---


Ok so features I plan to add before the first stable release (after beta) will hopefully include;


  • A personal mine, With a balanced amount of ores (More Iron than Ebony ect.)
  • Portal / Stones to every major city in Skyrim, And maybe some of the minor locations as well.
  • Mages study, Complete with Library, Garden, Arcanium (My way of saying Enchantment area), and a Apothecary's Study (Alchemy Area)
  • Tavern area with a few Merchant NPC's, a couple Followers, and possibly some random NPC's to chat with to provide some background on the manor.
  • Eventually a Quest line to obtain some unique items



--- How can you help? ---


Here is a list of what I am looking for from interested and talented individuals.


  • Voice actors, Not currently setting up auditions, but I will once a stable release is made
  • Model makers, I need some custom weapon models made for a couple quest lines that will be available with this mod, although not currently, this is to grab your interest for future reference.
  • Alpha testers, Your one and only job, Get the most recent release, Read the current bug list, then break the mod in whatever way you can without altering it and send me your results, Also, Report back any problems that were mistakes on my part (holes in areas, glitched items, glitched NPC's, or anything else that would possibly cause a road bump in the mods development process)
  • Script writers, I need some good story lines for the quests, I need some people who are not only talented in their writing, but know how to adapt that talent to a gaming situation and keep the player interested



I also need to one thing abundantly clear. This would be free / volunteer work. The benefits for you will be listed soon, Right now I just need to find individuals that are even remotely interested.


--- Interested in my progress? Images??? ---


Well here are some recent images, I cannot guarantee that these are in-sync with the most recent version, But I try to update them every ~2 versions.


Check It Out !!!



--- Downloads? ---


Here is a download for a VERY!!! early ALPHA version... I will update this often, So check back to see if you have the latest version.



Edited by leoko4321
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Forgot to mention... To get to the manor, Turn on "TCL" and then type "coc fallenabode" and that will take you to a "not yet complete room"... Sorry... Still have to set up my COC marker and link the main door to the outside the world Edited by leoko4321
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I would really like to see these 2 features realised:


•Give players a chance to have their story told through a Hall Of Monuments. (Yes, this is a Guild Wars inspired feature)

•And finally (Once I learn how to accomplish it) create a place to centralize their followers into a single area, Providing them with a "At-the-ready mini army"


I mentioned in another mod's thread that there was a Fallout 3 Museum mod that tracked the player's progress and displayed monuments and trophies depending on the player's progress. You should be able to dig up the fallout3nexus link easily. It has an extensive support list, down to quest completions, skills to 100%, specific achievements, etc.


Also in the same mod thread (Dovahheim) I requested for any follower you meet to be able to return to your new home instead of to the vanilla location. Eg Lydia going to your manor rather than Breezehome/Dragonreach. Over time all your past companions would mill around and mingle in the manor, creating some really nice life in a usually dead player home.

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I would really like to see these 2 features realised:


•Give players a chance to have their story told through a Hall Of Monuments. (Yes, this is a Guild Wars inspired feature)

•And finally (Once I learn how to accomplish it) create a place to centralize their followers into a single area, Providing them with a "At-the-ready mini army"


I mentioned in another mod's thread that there was a Fallout 3 Museum mod that tracked the player's progress and displayed monuments and trophies depending on the player's progress. You should be able to dig up the fallout3nexus link easily. It has an extensive support list, down to quest completions, skills to 100%, specific achievements, etc.


Also in the same mod thread (Dovahheim) I requested for any follower you meet to be able to return to your new home instead of to the vanilla location. Eg Lydia going to your manor rather than Breezehome/Dragonreach. Over time all your past companions would mill around and mingle in the manor, creating some really nice life in a usually dead player home.


That is my goal, I noticed in a lot of player home mods it felt really empty and to be honest... There was no reason for me to use that home over another vanilla home, Except that it would save me some fast traveling time.


Right now most of my time is being consumed by my job, But I will not be like a lot of modders and just throw this mod away when things get rough... Its as simple as this, When I have a day off, Expect a "bleep" ton of updates... And on days I work... well... updates wont happen, and if they do happen to happen. It will be in small quantity and quality

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Personally if you're modding and asking people for ideas and stuff, it's good for everyone to know exactly what you're doing next and thereafter. I find it annoying when a lot of ideas somehow go into this black hole and nothing comes of it.


So for now, would be great if you could articulate what you're building for now, eg is it the Arcanium, or the Merchants, or general interior decorating? It certainly can't be all at once :thumbsup:


Of cuz I'm not your boss so I can't expect a blow by blow account of your work, just a short list of tasks in order of your tackling :sweat:

Edited by arcana75
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Personally if you're modding and asking people for ideas and stuff, it's good for everyone to know exactly what you're doing next and thereafter. I find it annoying when a lot of ideas somehow go into this black hole and nothing comes of it.


So for now, would be great if you could articulate what you're building for now, eg is it the Arcanium, or the Merchants, or general interior decorating? It certainly can't be all at once :thumbsup:


Of cuz I'm not your boss so I can't expect a blow by blow account of your work, just a short list of tasks in order of your tackling :sweat:


Lol its all cool, Right now I here is what I am up to.


  • Tackling the finishing touches of the layout.
  • Start with the areas I find matter most, In order;
    Mine, Smithing Area, and Enchantment area.
  • After those rooms are complete, It will be onto the Garden, Apothecary's Study, and to sum up the functionality portion adding about 2 merchants to the Tavern area so that it doesn't seem pointless


Honestly the Living quarters are the least of my worry at the moment, I am trying to finish the main areas of interest first, then focus on the more aesthetic areas.


I will also be posting some current screens soon, Just trying to finish adding in rooms and portals so that you can walk through the entire area without running into a black wall only to discover half the damn house is on the other side :whistling:

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Ver -- Monday Feb 27 11:46 PM PST


  • Finished adding floors to all areas, Working on the ceilings in the morning
  • Finished adding Rooms and Portals ( My God... that was a annoying process lol)
  • Updated download link
  • Will upload images tomorrow


Tuesday To-Do list


  • Start adding clutter to High Priority Areas. ( Smithing Area, Mining area, and Mage's Study )
  • Start adding clutter to Medium Priority Areas. ( Garden, Apothecary Area, and Armory )
  • Start adding clutter to Low Priority Areas. ( Tavern, Master Suite, Followers Living Quarters, Teleport / Fast Travel Room, Library and Tavern )
  • Connect to outside world.
  • Fix a nasty transition area near mining cave


Start getting Alpha testers to give bug reports.


Also, Something that continues to elude me, How the hell do you get the sky to turn on within the game?

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OK so quick update,


  • Resolved some lighting issues.
  • Fixed the mismatched pieces in the cave causing a gap in the world
  • Resolved my problem about adding in the sky
  • Started adding clutter
  • All roofing and floors are now in place, Most of today will be spent adding clutter and interactive items


Also updated download link with the new alpha version

Edited by leoko4321
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So in the end I removed the mannequins, They are just to much of a hassle at the moment, and for now I am just focusing on getting the other rooms finished, Sorry if this upsets anyone Edited by leoko4321
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Ok so next changelog;


  • Added clutter to the Smithing Area
  • Added ores and some clutter to the mining cave (Right now using the "E" key wont work, Equip a pickaxe and mine stuff that way for now)
  • Started adding clutter to the Mage's Study.
  • Started fleshing out some of the lighting

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