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PLEEEEEEASE HELP - Water bug driving me crazy


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Any help with this would be hugely appreciated


Did a recent reinstall of Skyrim recently and for some reason the water in certain parts of the game (Most lakes) start flickering as I walk around.


I use Air Enb and same mods I always used with no issues previously. Tried uninstalling all weather and lighting mods with no joy.


Looked online and found I should turn refresh rate on monitor down - Was always on 60 only (Not the issue)

Others said turn all refelctions off on water - did this too and issue still remains


Its driving me insane now as I just cant see what is causing this and now the game is unplayable for me



Note: Only mods installed are pure water (issue remains on Water two too), flora overhaul, texture mods for landscapes and enb stuff

The game always worked previously with not much else new! :/

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