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DEF_UI �auses interface lags


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Hi, I need help. I installed the mod DEF_UI and Valdacil's Item Sorting. Also I installed the Radrose Usability Enchancements to add missing icons. After that, my interface in the Pip-Boy began to slow down. When switching to any tab, a small log appears, and in the Date tab it is terribly slow and the FPS jumps between 18 and 32, although it usually does not sit below 59. Nothing helped until I downloaded the files from here. After that, the lags stopped, but there appeared some probes with missing icons. Can there be any solution? Maybe this problem is related to my settings Fallout 4? My full modlist I attached to the post


P.S. Sorry for my English


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It has annoyed me for a while now, that lag.


If it gets worse i think i might just uninstall the hud and keep the tags.


Unless you learn to add tags through fo4edit yourself, it will very much be a question of "picking two out of three" that works.


It is nightmare to get everything tagged only through patches from nexus.


Another option, the one i went with, was to install all the tag/hud related stuff first, then ad new items one by one and make sure the tags are correct.


You should probably also download "name anything", a plugin for fse, and look at vacidils page for the correct tags, that way you can rename and sort inventory on the fly. Especially useful for standalone weapons and unique clothing.




Remember patch for DefUI

Edited by Arneercool
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