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Quality Voice Acting Sources.


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One link was tagged on the end of the tutorial I put up at creationkit.com: http://www.creationkit.com/Adding_Voice_Intermediate_Tutorial


The other I heard from a tutorial video.




This is, go figure, the Voice Acting Alliance website. I'm trying to get more info from them on more specific info to Skyrim modders. It seems like it's mostly fan dub anime voice actors, but I bet a lot of them could do great skyrim stuff.




This is the Skyrim actors forum on reddit, as if you couldn't figure that out from the link :D This seems to be good stuff. It's Skyrim centric, and all of the demos I've heard from there so far are golden. TBH I'd go here first(after the nexus forums of course) until it's clearer what a poor modder should do upon entering the maze that is the Voice Acting Alliance site.


This I first heard about from

The guy has a great set of creation kit tutorial videos that are linked on the creationkit.com site.



Figured I'd pass these along. Happy Modding!

Edited by SinderionsBones
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