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Skyrim Awful Rock Wall Texture


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Hey guys, new to the forums. I am having an issue with modded Skyrim Special Edition with this one rock wall texture. It appears throughout the areas of the game and everything else looks great but this one texture. I tried to install different mods to fix it but couldn't get rid of it. I have JK's Whiterun installed which I thought would maybe get rid of it in Whiterun but it doesn't. Any help is much appreciated, I can get a mod list if needed. Pictures attached.

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Are you using the Skyrim 2017 textures? I'm pretty sure that uses the same texture for Whiterun walls and farmhouse stone walls (which you see throughout Skyrim).


Did you look in the Whiterun texture folder for the texture to see what it is? You can't replace that single texture because there are several texture elements that comprise the Whiterun stone walls (top cap, moss alpha, etc) that all need to be the same.


wrcitywall01, wrcitywall01plaster, wrcitywalltopcap01, wrstonemortar01, wrmossalpha01 (less important), diffuse and normals, are all of the textures affecting the Whiterun city walls.



After you find out what the offending texture is, you go about finding a replacement. If you like all the rest of your current Whiterun textures, then you just need to find some different stone walls to use in other mods. (I'm using the Whiterun stone walls from Langley on top of Noble Skyrim. Langley's work just fine in SSE aside from landscapes.)

Edited by nightscrawl
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